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The experts in *commercial;BVLOS;autonomous;consumer;* drones

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Guinn Partners is the greatest concentration of breadth and depth of expertise in the nascent drone, robotics, and applied technology markets that is available to startups or established companies looking for a strategy and execution partner.
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Finding Markets

Guinn Partners specializes in identifying viable markets for your product to help you answer questions like: Who will be using your new technology? Who is your competition? What are the spending patterns of your target audience? How can we best reach and convert this audience? We consult with experts in your industry to deliver high-level market information you can’t get anywhere else.

Product Development

Our team has successfully completed dozens of product development projects of varying sizes. Our workflow and strategies include manufacturing, supply chain, mass-production, custom modification, and app development. Our extensive knowledge of the space, and our technical expertise allows us to develop product and validate technological assumptions including gimbals, airframes, batteries, motors and cloud data transforms.


A brand’s network is essential to the success of a product. Our team specializes in validating and connecting our clients with the right partners in their space to give their technology a complete solution for end users.


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[vc_empty_space mobile_height=”32px” height=”64px”][thb_title style=”style6″ title=”Learn Our Thesis and Approach – Projects & Analysis”][thb_postgrid style=”style1-left” excerpts=”true” columns=”2″ source=”size:8|post_type:post|tags:139″]